On Superbowl Sunday, I shoot my best friend Jenee's oldest brother, Johnny and his fiance, Kym. Did that make sense? Anyway he's like a brother. Quirky, embarrasing, but genuine and comfortable to be around. He's a brother every girl wants, he adores his little sister Jenee. Plus he's in the Marines so you always feel safe and taken care of in his presence which is what I think of when I think of my big brothers. He's been on four tours to Iraq and is in the special forces- a very capable man. His fiance Kym is so easy going and sweet, a great balance to his straight forward ways. She definetly has a way with him cuz I know Johnny would normally never pose for a photo and she got him to work it for a good 40 minutes or so. Ah the way of love.

At the end, we were running low on Johnny's patience, so she asked him to propose again. He agreed.
J: "Kym, have you talk to you dad lately?"
K: "No, why?"
J: "Cuz I asked him if I could marry you."
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