It was a pleasure to work with the petite Miss Bella and her parents. I always forget how tiny babies are when they are just born. My babies were 9.1 and 10.5 lbs, so to move a little six pounder around for the morning was reminder of just how tiny and precious they are. She was an angel the whole time. Awake for the first portion, then had a bottle and slept for the last portion. What more could I ask for?
Friday, February 26, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Baby Bella
Miss Bella came early to her new world and was in the hospital until she packed a couple pounds. She's up to six pounds a little over a month later. Here is a sneak peek...
Daddy asked for a picture of their favorite nap time position.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Sundays in Santa Cruz
My Valentine and I wandered along West Cliff to the lighthouse. I haven't seen this many people out since the Coldwater Classic. I don't know if it was the Mavericks crowd coming south or the holiday weekend, but people of all kinds were out for the newfound sunshine. The hula hoopin' crowd is here regularly on Sundays from about 4pm to sunset. They provide hula hoops and music for all to enjoy! Come check out some of the life in Santa Cruz on a Sunday.
I've really missed you Sun! Welcome back.
Forever yours,
Friday, February 12, 2010
A trip down a rabbit hole...
When I think of fairy tales... I think of oak trees. They strike me as old, wise, protective, and enchanted. They are my favorite type of tree. Orla, and her two kids, Ruby and Jude, showed me the most beautiful oak tree recently. Her backyard opens into this magical space. A little ivy trail led us across a tiny creek with a board to cross over it. The muddy slope led us up to a fire access road that brought us out to a clearing where there was a cattail-lined lake and in the distance, the beach. A little further up we ventured out to a wide open field. From here, she lead me to the mother tree. It was so big, beautiful, and wide open-- like it was welcoming us home with a hug. It was an old growth oak tree with branches stretching wide out. It's a new favorite spot for photos. So if you like the look of photos in the woods or tall grass in open fields.. I've got the spot for you!
Orla is a fighter. Rightly so, being she is Irish. She came here when she was 12 years young. She has a gentle spirit, encouraging words, and big heart. When I think of her, I think of this quote:
“There is in every true woman's heart, a spark of heavenly fire, which lies dormant in the broad daylight of prosperity, but which kindles up and beams and blazes in the dark hour of adversity.”
I love that Jude had just got stitches... it just adds to what kind of boy he is for our photos!
Meet "Spring" the Dog.
Calling all modeling agencies... any takers?
A boy and his dog.
This is Luke tailing our adventure, but I love the light at the end of the path.
You have to admit... this does look a little enchanted...
...ok, so part of it is Ruby's princess dress....
but we also found this magical looking mushroom.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010
On the OTHER side of the camera
Celeste hooked me up with Danielle Gillett who has taught me MUCH of what I know about shooting weddings. This last year, Danielle got engaged and so now it is her turn to be on the other side of the camera. I'm so glad that our clients don't know what kind of shots they want, cuz Danielle knew just what she wanted and told us so the whole shoot! Ha ha. It was a blast though. We shot up at my grandpa's property in the Santa Cruz Mountains. She dragged up bikes, furniture, and about six outfits- Oh, not to mention two photographers, a videographer, a chalk board and of course, Jeff.
We shot this in the fall, but I was on strict orders not to leak anything before the invites went out. Yesterday I spent the day making invites at Danielle's place, so I made the executive decision
it's safe to leak some photos on my blog.
Here is our shootout:
She was very creative in her invitations for the wedding and edited together the photos and videos from our shoot to make a digital invitation on a DVD that she is mailing out.
Here is a glimpse at our fun afternoon!
Danielle has a great laugh!
My favorite chestnut tree at Grandpa's property.
I love the warm fall colors in the setting sun.
Wanna know the funniest part.... she SPLIT her pants when she jumped up on Jeff. Really! The topper was Jeff sort-of-kind-of-dropped her. It was time to wrap up our session. The two were just getting sloppy!
Fun times D. Thanks for all your support- You're an amazing gal.
Click here to see her big heart at work!
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