Talk about a worthy cause. The idea stemmed from Liz Gutherie, who is heading up the 2010 Dream Wedding Giveaway in San Francisco. While reading through countless stories of applicants, she realized there was an overwhelming population of people who were stricken by health problems, a mound of medical bills, and no time or energy to plan a wedding. For some it is their last wish. Their dying wish. So with that, Liz started calling vendors to see if they would back this idea to giveaway weddings to terminally ill patients.
Last night was the launch party at the elegant Villa Montalvo. Many vendors turned out to support the cause and become a "wish granter" to a deserving couple. There were wedding coordinators, florists, dj's, photographers and more! Some of the most elite in their class, such as President of Wish Upon a Wedding, Sasha Sousa who has just released a beautiful coffee table book of her work. Her book holds tons of fresh ideas for the bride to be! It was wonderful opportunity to network and meet other like-minded professionals who have big hearts for the cause.
This is the first chapter of many more to open. From WUW website:
Officially launched in January of 2010, Wish Upon a Wedding currently has five chapters to serve Wish Applicants. Beginning February 14, couples residing in or wishing to get married within 300 miles of the following cities are eligible to apply for weddings: San Francisco, Los Angeles, Orlando, New York and Chicago. Receive a reminder email about when we will begin receiving applications. If you reside in another area, we still encourage you to stay connected as New Chapters open regularly.